24 April 2009

It's spelled "Koenigsegg" FOOLS

Car show was pretty tight. We'll just go straight into the pictures. If you don't like them skim the text cause there will be at least one mildly interesting anecdote that has not THAT much to do with cars.
It's me! Ok so the picture is backwards because that was self pic mode but that says 430 SCUDERIA
as in:
As in:
As in the one that is faster than the Enzo. Was in the top 5 of cars I've always wanted to see in person. It did not dissapoint.
So, the anecdote, one of the "spokesmodels" came up and was talking to me. The point of these hot girls standing around talking to dudes who are obviously lusting after the cars and NOT (ok well not as much) the chicks and then trying to talk to the dudes about the cars when it's fully understood by each party which of them knows almost every detail of the car being lusted after, it absolutely baffles me.
Choice comments from the girl:
"They pay so much attention to the details. Like, the details. Like everything on the car."
Oh, so that's why they can ask for and get $300,000 for one and sell out of them every year before they are even manufactured. The details! I can't believe I never thought of that!
"You have to take special classes to drive one, it's not like a city car. You can't really drive it in the city."
Well, that explains the 5-point harnesses and carbon-carbon brakes then, huh?!
"It's like, you think you could just get in this or like get in and drive an F1 car but you can't."
No, actually I didn't think that. Actually I thought if I got in and tried to drive an F1 car it would go a little something like this:

And that was a professional rally driver driving. A good one too.
And the crown jewel quote:
"Have you driven one of these before?"
Okay, am I stuffing $50s in your thong? WTF?
The way I usually look, even coming home from work, I expect people to ask me things like "When was yer last meal ya poor soul?" "Have ya had a hot shower this month?" "There's a soup kitchen just down that road!" But "Have you driven a Ferrari F430 Scuderia, like EVER?" If you really love the word "no", then by all means, ask this to everyone. You'll be plenty happy with the results.

Anyway, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she just was trying to make conversation to the only non-horny-old-midlife-crisis-dude hanging around that wasn't unattractive. Right. I'll just tell myself that. That's her ass on the far right of the picture directly above. She was cute. And Dutch. Hey I said it was only a mildly interesting anecdote.

Weismann was indeed present. They make some crazy retro-y stuff.
The ones I designed for the formula car last year were a lot prettier... The judge even said so! (From the Ariel Atom, this guy here:)
Got to sit in the new Audi R8 V10, which I don't think is on sale yet...:

Have to say the RS6 station wagon felt nicer with those ridiculous race seats.
Anyway, the highlight: Koenigsegg was there but no CCXR Edition : ( but they did have a display model so that was cool.
Despite how the pictures look I actually have lost some weight since I got here. And gotten even handsomer. I know you thought it was impossible. But it wasn't. That's the Koenigsegg coat of arms there. Er whatev. I like this part much more:
It's a little ghost sticker that they put in the rear window of each car. They used to assemble them at an old Swedish air force base in a hanger er something. The ghost was the air squadron's mascot. So Koenigsegg adopted it. That old factory burnt down if I remember correctly, so they have some new digs, but kept the ghost. I think it looks badass cause it doesn't look badass, and yet is, thus amplifying the badassness.
If you are new to this blog, my humor is tongue in cheek. A lot of times you will not know I'm joking but I am. Also, WTF are you doing here? Please keep coming back! Join my other 3 fans! Please!
^^^^Sorry but it is pretty badass, hence the coolness of the non-badass mascot^^^^
The gauges were downright dainty tho, I'd be afraid to sneeze while driving, pretty sure they'd shatter.
The tires, however, were far from dainty. I'm not a big dude but my hands aren't small. I usetacould stretch pinky and index the top five frets on a full scale bass (still could if'n I had a bass to practice on). Thats a good 6-7 inches. The rear tires are at least a foot across. Prob 14 inches er so. Okay so I had to google it. They are 13.1889764 inches across. Google doesn't lie. And it measured them to the nearest half 100 millionth of an inch. With some alien technology I guess.

On a completely unrelated note we randomly stumbled upon a rabbit jumping competion a couple weeks ago:

If you look really closely and ignore the freaks that are participating in this you can probably JUST make out the little bunnies jumping over obstacles.
I was absolutely spellbound watching the rabbits running the obstacle course. For some stupid reason no one else was and I was drug away by the hair.
Gotta end this the only way I know how, with some poetry:




Andy said...

while my interest in cars has never been anything as much as yours, and certainly after my gs-r was stolen it fell even further, i enjoyed the pix. still think Porsche is my fav, just cause it seems more like a car i could drive and control and use in a least a somewhat practical manner. i like the compactness of them, the idea of something small being so powerful. so yeah just on pure looks and not knowing anything about it i liked the black wiesmann you posted. looks badass, though i can't really tell if its a whole lot smaller than the others u posted. am curious as to the power in some of these, i guess i could just look it up but i'm a lazy lazy man.

LOL at the bunny course i would probably be drawn in to that for a while too. would be great to just get drunk and watch it all day. (Go you uh really little horses!)
also LOL at the fat violet beauregarde lookin chick chasing after a bunny

your presence was missed this weekend during j-rips wedding festivities..........we didnt get to hang enough last time u were here

RapMastaP said...

Sorry it took so damn long to respond. I'm really busy over here, uh... watching tv... Er somethin.
Porsches are the shit. Would definitely get one if I had unlimited funds. But since I don't I think the engineer in me would not allow me to get a rear engined car, even one with 40+ years of refinement. Just the idea of it :/ But if I had unlimited funds, hell yes, how could you not??
Dimensions: The weismann pictured is indeed just slightly smaller than a Porsche 997 (current gen 911) but most importantly its 507 lbs lighter than a GT3 (lightest current 911 model)
Power: Weismann: 362bhp/361lb.ft
GT3: about 425bhp/317lb.ft
Ariel atom: 245bhp/150lb.ft/1005lbs!!!
R8 V10: 518hp/391lb.ft
And of course the scuderia: