04 April 2009


Couldn't help it, gotta post one more. Short. Since life is goooooood.

View off my back porch like 10 minutes ago.
Some of the neighbors have something called "Norwegian forest cats" that wander around down there (I saw one right after I took the pic). I'd never heard of that but I guess it's a real thing. Anyway those fuckers are HUGE! Ok I mean really maybe only a little bigger than any other house cat. Their feet really seem to be gigantic, I guess fer tree climbin' er something. Last time we saw two and one actually was in a tree. Then yesterday when I got home from work there was one stalking something in the neighbors yard and it's brown so I thought it was a wood pile. It was kinda like stretched out while it was standin' there and it really did look a lot bigger than a normal cat. Maybe just my imagination though. Anyway I really want one now so I can train it to climb the trees next door and then drop out of them onto people heads and claw their faces. Tight.
Actually screw that, there's these things here called lodjur a.k.a. Lynx in english. I guess a family of 'em have taken up residence somewhere around Uppsala (where we live). I need to capture one of those bitches and train it in the unholy arts:
Yeah BOYEE!!! Think about that bitch chargin' at ya and casting soul steal lvl 48!!! 50 pounds of running pissed off unholy awesome WILL knock you on your ass, I don't care if you're frickin' Chuck Norris. THAT'S THE JOINT!!! (photo courtesy wikipedia)

Back to chillin'

1 comment:

Andy said...

it looks like a half bearcub half cat

glad those aren't around here