17 April 2009


Second pole of his F1 career today in China! Only had one lap to do it in Q3 and he pulled it off. WoOt!!! Dude is a monster! Red Bull WHAT!
Damn I can't believe it's been 13 days since I posted last.
Today we are going into Stockholm for the first time in quite a while. I get to go see my favorite Miyazaki (actually they are all my favorite *GUSH*) movie which is playing for some reason on the big screen in two theatres downtown. After that we will meet up with Frida's friend Carro. Hopefully there will be plenty of drinking after that, but probably not since after paying for the movie I'll be broke as a joke. Like $5 to my name broke. Getting paid once monthly sucks, especially when like 75% of it goes straight to bills by the next day. I was s'posed to be rich already, WTF? Guess I would be if I wasn't paying the way for other people. STUDENT people. Cough. Frida. Cough. Huh? She better make bank when she's done er her ass is out on the kerb.
Gotta go for now. Fika calls.

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