24 April 2009

It's spelled "Koenigsegg" FOOLS

Car show was pretty tight. We'll just go straight into the pictures. If you don't like them skim the text cause there will be at least one mildly interesting anecdote that has not THAT much to do with cars.
It's me! Ok so the picture is backwards because that was self pic mode but that says 430 SCUDERIA
as in:
As in:
As in the one that is faster than the Enzo. Was in the top 5 of cars I've always wanted to see in person. It did not dissapoint.
So, the anecdote, one of the "spokesmodels" came up and was talking to me. The point of these hot girls standing around talking to dudes who are obviously lusting after the cars and NOT (ok well not as much) the chicks and then trying to talk to the dudes about the cars when it's fully understood by each party which of them knows almost every detail of the car being lusted after, it absolutely baffles me.
Choice comments from the girl:
"They pay so much attention to the details. Like, the details. Like everything on the car."
Oh, so that's why they can ask for and get $300,000 for one and sell out of them every year before they are even manufactured. The details! I can't believe I never thought of that!
"You have to take special classes to drive one, it's not like a city car. You can't really drive it in the city."
Well, that explains the 5-point harnesses and carbon-carbon brakes then, huh?!
"It's like, you think you could just get in this or like get in and drive an F1 car but you can't."
No, actually I didn't think that. Actually I thought if I got in and tried to drive an F1 car it would go a little something like this:

And that was a professional rally driver driving. A good one too.
And the crown jewel quote:
"Have you driven one of these before?"
Okay, am I stuffing $50s in your thong? WTF?
The way I usually look, even coming home from work, I expect people to ask me things like "When was yer last meal ya poor soul?" "Have ya had a hot shower this month?" "There's a soup kitchen just down that road!" But "Have you driven a Ferrari F430 Scuderia, like EVER?" If you really love the word "no", then by all means, ask this to everyone. You'll be plenty happy with the results.

Anyway, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she just was trying to make conversation to the only non-horny-old-midlife-crisis-dude hanging around that wasn't unattractive. Right. I'll just tell myself that. That's her ass on the far right of the picture directly above. She was cute. And Dutch. Hey I said it was only a mildly interesting anecdote.

Weismann was indeed present. They make some crazy retro-y stuff.
The ones I designed for the formula car last year were a lot prettier... The judge even said so! (From the Ariel Atom, this guy here:)
Got to sit in the new Audi R8 V10, which I don't think is on sale yet...:

Have to say the RS6 station wagon felt nicer with those ridiculous race seats.
Anyway, the highlight: Koenigsegg was there but no CCXR Edition : ( but they did have a display model so that was cool.
Despite how the pictures look I actually have lost some weight since I got here. And gotten even handsomer. I know you thought it was impossible. But it wasn't. That's the Koenigsegg coat of arms there. Er whatev. I like this part much more:
It's a little ghost sticker that they put in the rear window of each car. They used to assemble them at an old Swedish air force base in a hanger er something. The ghost was the air squadron's mascot. So Koenigsegg adopted it. That old factory burnt down if I remember correctly, so they have some new digs, but kept the ghost. I think it looks badass cause it doesn't look badass, and yet is, thus amplifying the badassness.
If you are new to this blog, my humor is tongue in cheek. A lot of times you will not know I'm joking but I am. Also, WTF are you doing here? Please keep coming back! Join my other 3 fans! Please!
^^^^Sorry but it is pretty badass, hence the coolness of the non-badass mascot^^^^
The gauges were downright dainty tho, I'd be afraid to sneeze while driving, pretty sure they'd shatter.
The tires, however, were far from dainty. I'm not a big dude but my hands aren't small. I usetacould stretch pinky and index the top five frets on a full scale bass (still could if'n I had a bass to practice on). Thats a good 6-7 inches. The rear tires are at least a foot across. Prob 14 inches er so. Okay so I had to google it. They are 13.1889764 inches across. Google doesn't lie. And it measured them to the nearest half 100 millionth of an inch. With some alien technology I guess.

On a completely unrelated note we randomly stumbled upon a rabbit jumping competion a couple weeks ago:

If you look really closely and ignore the freaks that are participating in this you can probably JUST make out the little bunnies jumping over obstacles.
I was absolutely spellbound watching the rabbits running the obstacle course. For some stupid reason no one else was and I was drug away by the hair.
Gotta end this the only way I know how, with some poetry:



20 April 2009


I'm the dude at the bottom left. Sweartagod.

So the weekend kicked ass, mainly because of the dude up there, but Stockholm was pretty tight too. Nausicaa wasn't as sweet as I remembered, Miyazaki has done some much better stuff, but it was still worth seeing on the big screen. Carro's new apartment on Kungsholmen is really nice. I randomly saw one of the coolest dudes from work at the 7-11 around the corner from Carro's place when I went to get sugar for the cake we were making. Over 1 million people in Sthlm and I run into somebody I work with when I step out for like 5 minutes. It was cool though.

This weekend is shaping up to be awesome too. Fredrik and Gustav will come to Uppsala and we will all go to Flustret a.k.a. Jurassic. Frida will be in Gävle. Shaping up to be dudes night out #2. Too bad we won't have a 'bago named "The Warrior" that eight drunken assholes and a two hour drive at 2:30am couldn't kill. No, it took a tornado to do that. I don't think many involved in dude's night out #1 read this but, shouts out to you all. Legendary. Just legendary.

Oh, and a car show Friday night also. Not just any car show, like a supercar show supposedly. The website says even Weissmann will have a display there. WEISS MAN. I really really REALLY want to see a Koenigsegg CCX Edition. I think there's only like, what, 5 though? I dunno they'll have a display there and this IS the stupid country where they are made so I guess I got the best chance I'll ever get to see one in person. SWOON.

Nutmeg by ghostface ft. rza is the JOINT
C is the heavenly option by heavenly is also the JOINT
I'm really pissed I can't download shit right now because the list of shit I want just continues to grow and grow. And most of the shit I can't buy anyway so making it illegal for me to download it is pointless. You bastards!

Maybe more tomorrow. You bastards!

17 April 2009


Second pole of his F1 career today in China! Only had one lap to do it in Q3 and he pulled it off. WoOt!!! Dude is a monster! Red Bull WHAT!
Damn I can't believe it's been 13 days since I posted last.
Today we are going into Stockholm for the first time in quite a while. I get to go see my favorite Miyazaki (actually they are all my favorite *GUSH*) movie which is playing for some reason on the big screen in two theatres downtown. After that we will meet up with Frida's friend Carro. Hopefully there will be plenty of drinking after that, but probably not since after paying for the movie I'll be broke as a joke. Like $5 to my name broke. Getting paid once monthly sucks, especially when like 75% of it goes straight to bills by the next day. I was s'posed to be rich already, WTF? Guess I would be if I wasn't paying the way for other people. STUDENT people. Cough. Frida. Cough. Huh? She better make bank when she's done er her ass is out on the kerb.
Gotta go for now. Fika calls.

04 April 2009


Couldn't help it, gotta post one more. Short. Since life is goooooood.

View off my back porch like 10 minutes ago.
Some of the neighbors have something called "Norwegian forest cats" that wander around down there (I saw one right after I took the pic). I'd never heard of that but I guess it's a real thing. Anyway those fuckers are HUGE! Ok I mean really maybe only a little bigger than any other house cat. Their feet really seem to be gigantic, I guess fer tree climbin' er something. Last time we saw two and one actually was in a tree. Then yesterday when I got home from work there was one stalking something in the neighbors yard and it's brown so I thought it was a wood pile. It was kinda like stretched out while it was standin' there and it really did look a lot bigger than a normal cat. Maybe just my imagination though. Anyway I really want one now so I can train it to climb the trees next door and then drop out of them onto people heads and claw their faces. Tight.
Actually screw that, there's these things here called lodjur a.k.a. Lynx in english. I guess a family of 'em have taken up residence somewhere around Uppsala (where we live). I need to capture one of those bitches and train it in the unholy arts:
Yeah BOYEE!!! Think about that bitch chargin' at ya and casting soul steal lvl 48!!! 50 pounds of running pissed off unholy awesome WILL knock you on your ass, I don't care if you're frickin' Chuck Norris. THAT'S THE JOINT!!! (photo courtesy wikipedia)

Back to chillin'


Just move the N! Think about it! Promise me you'll think about it! You ain't gonna think about it : (
Watched Låt Den Rätte Komma In the Swedish movie from last year that got 43 award nominations and 6 wins. It was aight. I guess all the nominations was cause peeps from other countries was jes happy Sweden made a decent movie... I just wrote like a 300 word essay about the isolation aesthetic in most Swedish movies and compared it to the movie Capote and presumably the book In Cold Blood and also the reality of Swedish society then read it back and realized how tragically boring it was so I deleted all of it.
Today I told Frida one of my brilliant plans. If my contract is not renewed in June I'll start training to row across the Atlantic. It takes about 90 days of 8-12 hours a day of rowing, and probably a good 8 months of training 10 hours a day before that since I've never rowed anything before in my life. (Wait does double fisting brews count as rowing? Nahh, prob not...) She had the balls to laugh at me. I'll show her good in exactly 11 months after June.
Norrviken station where in the few times I use the train to and from work (which sucks btw, although I'd say about 35% of the time you don't have to pay since they never come by to take your money, which is tiiiiiiight) I stop by.
There's m' train.
Frida's parents and granparents at our place on the weekend before my birthday.

All the stuff Frida baked me for my birthday not including cake! It was all really good. Carrot cake is my fav! Mmmmm!
Cake!!! that 28 is for 28/1.2 meaning I'm 23.3 years old! The /1.2 didn't fit!
The weather here is amazing today. The door is wide open and I'm wearing shorts!
The slightly longer than KS winter is more than worth it for this.
I gotta crack another beer now and drink it on the back porch, LATER FOOLS