21 May 2009


Today is a holiday so I don't have to go to work. I don't know what the holiday is for but it means I get today and Friday off. I bought some MGD at the alcohol store. I really like MGD. I never used to buy it at home cause it was more expensive than my dirt cheap favorite Miller High Life Light ("the champagne of beers"). But I think if I had been slightly more rich I would have bought MGD all the time instead of High Life. Absolutely nothing else of note. I won a little bit of money at poker this week. No idea why I started playing again out of the blue, but I did. I been playing pretty well. Main thing is the patience. And the not getting pissed at bad beats and going on tilt. If I can keep those two things up I usually play pretty well.
Maybe another post later in the weekend.
Oh, p.s. Norway won the Eurovision contest with some lame violin song. Boring.


Andy said...

My calendar says May 21st is "Ascension Day" no idea what that is and i'm not even gonna google it

MGD...thats what the italians drink on Sopranos so i assume that ALL italians which are ALL in the mob must drink. YOU must be in the mob too.

i had a negra modela at the bar tonight...pretty good beer, prob best mexican beer out there.

RapMastaP said...

I wholeheartedly agree on the NM comment. It is good.