16 May 2009


I actually caught some of this a couple nights ago.
IT WAS GLORIOUS. It is the weirdest shit ever. There is no context that will allow you to make any sense of it AT ALL. It is AWESOME!
If you somehow have absolutely no idea what it is, it's what it sounds like. A bunch of european countries have contests to find their entry for the year, and then all the countries compete against each other in the country that won the previous year... Anyway some countries try to blend their traditional music with pop music. Entertainment ensues.

And a lot of it is just TRULY AWFUL heightening the entertainment to levels till then unkown to me:

Watch that one to the end. WOW
Anyway just had to share that little tidbit. Thinking about watching the finals tonight but I think it might be boring after the shock of the first viewing wears off.

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