24 May 2009


Sigh. The long weekend is over.
After having 96 hours of freetime here is what was accomplished:
Yes I made a bookshelf. Well, by "made" I mean assembled the pieces we got in a box from Ikea. No, you are not seeing things, the bed is indeed as long as the room is wide. And it is a tiny bed BTW.
Frida's sister gave us this weather predictor clock thingy that has a wireless weather detector yer supposed to put outside. So I made a little hut for it out of an old plastic bottle and put it out on the back porch. Yes, this is absolutely the geekiest thing I've ever done and I've done more geeky things of varying types and degrees than you can imagine.Anyway I went to all that trouble makin' a little hut and stuff and the damn thing says it's like 70 degrees outside when it's really like 60 degrees outside : ( Somehow it knows that it's cloudy tho, and also tells you if the temp is going up or down.
Moving on... We saw Angels and Demons last night. I guess it could have been worse. I liked the ending, cause the movie was over. Naw, I mean it wasn't awful, but it was pretty silly, especially for seeming to take itself so seriously. I really missed Rome while I was watching it though, basically the whole movie is just one constant reminder that Rome is frickin' sweet. And I'm pretty sure only maybe 10 of the 138 minutes were ACTUALLY in Rome. The rest was CG and soundstages, and probably other Italian citys, as far as I could tell. It also made me think about the fact that Ron Howard has been in showbiz since he was like 5, and he seems pretty normal. He must be the only one.
Oh, I also accomplished this:
I pissed somebody off cause I put glass in the trash room. Good thing they don't know I'm also the one who kept putting regular trash in the compost bin cause I didn't bother reading the signs above them. Look at all those exclamation marks! If they practiced sharia in this country instead of anonymous public shaming I guess I'da been stoned.
Pretty nice weekend over all though.


Andy said...

saw A&D too...i liked divinci code better. it really didnt add anything to whatever exisiting arguements on the subject are out there (i assume the book is not as shallow on the subject). the movie itself was pretty much a rehash of DC. oh well, i don't expect much from going to the movies these days.

Andy said...

P.S. totally agree on Rome, thats pretty much THE place i want to see in europe

Unknown said...

Is your bookshelf from ikea?

RapMastaP said...

Andy - didnt like Davinci code, it was just way too far fetched for my liking... I mean c'mon it was based on that french weirdo that was full of shite, even if the premise was cool.
Tana- I stated in the post that the bookshelf was indeed from Ikea!

Andy said...

not sayin divinci code was anything great...just that it was bettererer than angels and demons

point is, save your rubles