01 February 2009


So I went skiing for the first time ever (yes EVER) yesterday. I think my closest exposure to it until now was the South Park episode parodying late 80's ski resort movies. Er whatever. Speaking of which that episode is freaking super-classic. The payoff at the end??? "Quaaiiidd, start the reactor..." Brilliant!!!
Back to skiing. Wow. It is really really hard. And since EVERYONE here has done it since they are like 8 months old I looked like a complete doofus out there. There's like a baby slope with about a 5 degree gradient and little animal puppets that show the kids where to go, on which I assume the 8 month olds start out. Luckily for my self esteem I started on the next level up where the two years olds were skiing. I think it takes them roughly 45 seconds to reach the bottom of the slope. The first time I went down it took me literally 45 MINUTES, no exaggeration. I spent much of that time on the ground spitting out bloody snow and groaning about the pain in my legs. Ok, there was no blood really, but that's surprising. Little kids for whom it was entirely within their realm of possibilities that Santa Claus COULD be waiting for them at the bottom of the hill (with presents even) were flying by me at 60 mph, and looking way cooler than me in their ski gear while they did it. Anyway, 45 minutes later at the bottom, my whole body was shaking, my inner clothes were SOAKED with sweat, my outter clothes were covered in snow, and I felt that same pukey feeling like after you've run flat out until you, well, puke. I didn't puke and the next time down only took like 15 minutes. By the 5th time down I could kind of keep myself under control, and I only fell down like twice. Then it was time to leave. Next time I'm really hoping to reach bicycle speeds!


Anonymous said...

dam i always wondered if snow skiing was harder or easier than it looked. its on my list of things to do for sure though i'm definitely scared of being seriously injured.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that you will get better..or pull a sonny bono one of the two.

RapMastaP said...

Andy- So annoying cause like I said it's like walking to everyone here so it LOOKS super easy. But if you're old and have never done it it is super hard, or at least was for me. If you aren't trying to be a hero and start on the beginner slope at the worst you would only break a leg. Everytime you start to get out of control or go too fast it's really easy to just make yourself fall down so it'd be pretty tough to actually get out of control and hit something too hard. You should try it though, who knows it might come easier to you, I might just be really sucky at it.