30 January 2009


Listening to:
Beautiful Child - Swans (you won't like it, I promise... rest of the album sux anyway, older stuff seems much more promising)
Hot N Cold - Katy Perry (every damn morning)
Prayer to God - Shellac (so awesome)
Just a Friend - Biz Markie (how is this song this good?)

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (mainly driving the F2007, the only car the game needs IMO!)

No Reservations Season 5 (finally!!!!)

In the immortal words of the little japanese yakuza from the pretzel lady episode:
"Fuhgivuhness prease!"
Whatever spirits possessed me to write such a shameful post have run their course I assure you.
Not much happening lately. Back in Swedish course after winter holiday hiatus. Learning a completely foreign language in a different country truly is a unique experience. Hard to explain and even harder to imagine. I thought it would kind of be like discernible steps of progress towards some final goal. Totally not like that at all. It feels like 5 steps forward then 2 back then one to the left and one forward again, then 4 to the right then 3 backwards, then 2 more to the right, then 8 forward... Really confusing and frustrating. Like at the morning coffee break on Wednesday Anders was talking about music and the movie the Departed. I understood like 90% of everything he said NINETY FRICKIN' PERCENT. For instance, he said he was watching it with some Malaysians (don't ask) and at the scene when Frank trades the chinese triad dudes the computer chips er whatever the Malaysians laughed. When Anders asked why, they were like "Those obviously aren't chinese guys, they are mainly koreans." Then the next two days of work, for 16 hours I understand like 10% of everything said. How can I understand something so obscure as that and then nothing?! In class I can bust out with "I believe the dinosaurs died out around 260 million years ago when a giant meteorite impacted the earth which caused the sun not to shine which killed off lots of plants, which then killed off lots of plant eating dinosaurs which then killed off the meat eating dinosaurs." Then the rest of the week I've maybe strung together 3 coherent meaningful sentences, despite my best efforts. LORD KNOWS I'M TRYIN'. On the train I'm accidentally reading in Swedish about the new Upptåget train schedule I couldn't care less about without even thinking about it. Try to read about something I really want to understand in the newspaper... Oh sure I understand most of the words, but what meaning am I getting out of it? NONE. YARRRGGH. I mean I guess for only being here 7 or 8 months I'm making a lot of progress, but that means basically nothing when you can't understand everything 100% of the time, which is the entire POINT of having written and spoken language... If you can see where I'm going with that. Ya know, that whole efficient communication thing.
Oh well, I need to go sleep now. Write more soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 1997 Pontiac Astrowagon goes to the fan in seat 0001 -- C. Montgomery Burns.


Announcer #1: And here come the pretzels!

Marge: Oh, no! No, don't do that! You're suppose to be tasting them!

Announcer #2: Hall of Famer Whitey Ford now on the field pleading with the crowd for... for some kind of sanity.

Announcer #1: Uh-oh, and a barrage of pretzels now knocking Whitey unconscious.

Announcer #2: Wow. This is uh... This is a black day for baseball.