27 February 2009

Konstig Vecka

Songs of the week:
-Dream On - Robyn w/ Ola Salo (evangelic indeed!)
-Epilepsy is Dancing - Antony and the Johnsons ([lyrics:music::wine:food] uhh, perfect match!)
-Graceland - Paul Simon (Tiiiiiggggghhhht)

Animal sightings to or from work:
-1 fox
-2 moose
-NO DEER!?!? Usually see like 60 a week, and no other animals.

Things from the USA I'm really missing right now:
-My copy of Watchmen (thinkin of having my parents send it to me CAN'T WAIT for the movie)
-ALL my Evangelion DVDs (I couldn't find some so didn't bring them back in Dec. :.( REGRET)
-Halo, to some extent (too heavy to bring back xbox)

The mechanical engineering dept. boss was gone this week so I guess everyone took it as a slack week cause there was almost no work for me to do. REALLY boring. Or possibly there just actually wasn't that much work. Here was my Thursday (NOT representative at all of a normal day, just the boringest day of this lame week):
Roll in with the Uppsala mafia at 8:00 sharp. Sign into computer. Open Inventor. Login to part database. Go to foxnews.com. Read pretty much every article. Go to CNN.com. Read pretty much every article. Oops, 9:01 late for coffee break. 9:35, continue reading CNN and move on to LJworld, pitchfork, and autoblog. Continue reading these websites whilst occasionally switching over to the Inventor window to grab the chain I'm modeling and swing it around like a whip a few times to make it look like im at least playing around with the program I should be using to accomplish "work". 11:28, put on jacket and go mill around in the hall outside the big boys room to make sure everyone knows it's lunchtime. Walk to Motor (what we call the lunch restaurant since its in the car dealership and all). Ismet asks me a little about Kansas. I answer with some lame 3 yr old level Swedish. Eat panbiff med indiska kryddor (like indian spiced meatloaf). Wasn't too disgusting as long as I avoided the big yellow puddle of grease that accumulated on one side of the plate (the restaurant is really cheap and cruddy, which is not typical here, but we go there cause engineers are generally stingy). Get back at around 12:30 and surf more internet. Get an email around 14:00 about a part that I messed with a couple months ago and didn't put into the database right when I was done fixing it. Start correcting my mistake. Christopher comes in and tells me since he doesn't really have much for me to do I may as well check every assembly I've ever put into the database to make sure I didn't make the same mistake on those (easier than it sounds). I thank jeebus I finally have something to keep busy. Last 2.5 hours are spent going through each assy I've checked in to make sure it is linked to it's part in the database. Amazingly out of about 75 there was only three I made the same mistake on! And it kept me doing something semi-worthwhile!

Really been thinking this week about somehow changing the format of the blog. These random unstructured posts really suck. But I guess since I'm sooooo lazy about updating that's just the way it goes. I'd really like to have some kind of more structured one topic posts, like music critique, culture update, pic post, work, freetime, etc. type thing. Maybe I'll try to do that.

About to go to "Buddy's", the Irish bar with the BEST BY FAR hamburgers I've had since I've been here. Gotta leave now. When I come back I'll continue this post. Keep that in mind if the, er, "tone" changes. IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Back from Buddy's. The service there puts the rest of Sweden to shame. They actually moved 3 people from a 4 person table to a 3 person table so that they could fit the 4 of us in. In the first 2 minutes we were there, we were helped by 3 waiters. That is unheard of here. GREAT service. The hamburger was not as good as I remember, but still a 9.8 by Sweden standards.

Hey I knocked one out early Friday night so maybe I'll get to another one before the weekend is out. I'M GOIN' TO GRACELAND! MEMPHIS TENNESSEE!!


Anonymous said...

does everyone there use military time?

lol "buddy's" thats a gay bar name in kc and of course what i immediately thought of

sucks u have slow days like that...was wondering if u all are feeling the effects of the bad u.s. economy there or what?

RapMastaP said...

Yah, I mean everybody on earth is suffering to some extent. It's not SO bad where I work so far, they've cut back on travel and stuff and respectfully requested for some of the older guys to retire (i think they were past the age). But with demand down for everything production on everything slows way down which means eventually shipping gets hit too. We're pretty far down the ladder though so if everything doesn't pick up soon then we will get hammered down the road I think.

RapMastaP said...

purple monkey dishwasher

RapMastaP said...

It's funny cause here it's not "military time" it's just "time". I hadn't really thought about that in a while.
LOL I just checked with Frida "Hey does military time mean anything to you?" She's like "you mean the time when guys are forced to serve in the military right?"
It's about 50/50 military or not. In speech it is military if it might be unclear whether it is am or pm. Regular if it is easily assumed, which is almost always. For any kind of schedule you have written on paper it's basically always military. Same for movie times. There is no am/pm and I get asked every once in a while which is which since no one uses it here. Especially if it is 12:00 "Is it 12:00am or 12:00pm?" "Well that depends, say you're in London and some bloke..." I'm pretty sure they stop listening to my reply at that point.