21 February 2009


During the week I always have these grand and profound ideas for things to post on here, you know deep meditations on Sweden, life, learning a new language, the nature of the universe in general. That type of garbage. Of course then when the weekend comes I can barely be bothered to actually sit down and write even though I have the time. Then when I actually do write something I'm usually preoccupied (or I been drankin') and it usually comes out half-assed and fairly boring. Sorry.
I found out on Friday that I finally get to move into the big boys room with the other mechanical engineers. I figured it was coming since there's two guys retiring next month and another in June, so there will actually be space for me, but I finally found out for sure at the engineering meeting. They've had me sitting in a room with three consultants, all of whom I really like, especially Peter, he's real cool. But I think the actual physical distance between me and the guys I'm supposed to be working with has been a big chunk of the vaguely "separate but equal" vibe everyone feels re me. Now we won't have to walk halfway across the building to talk to each other at least. And I'll get a bookshelf. Tight!
Well if I remember any of those super-insightful things I wanted to post over the last week maybe I'll make another post soon. Otherwise see you next weekend.

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