08 June 2008


Not much fascinating stuff going on this weekend, just taking it easy and trying to catch up on sleep as always. Went to the beach yesterday and there was some dude sitting there with about 15 REALLY HOT girls around him. Don't know how he pulled it off, he looked like Simon fucking Pegg. Plus I hadn't seen that many hot girls condensed in one spot here... Well, ever. I know the stereotype is that everyone here is gorgeous, but trust me, it definitely ain't true. Not that everyone is ugly or anything. One thing I have noticed however is that girls here on average seem to have larger breasts. Like if you took any girl here at random and any girl from the states at random, chances are the one from here will have bigger hooters. EXCLUDING overweight people. You know, I'm talking like average decent looking girls. Through this very scientific thought experiment I have also attributed the phenomenon to the amount of dairy products available here, which is staggering.
Think about it.

Oh, and my theory for why the stereotype is that everyone here is gorgeous? The Brits. YES, those bastards. Seeing as how I've never been there yet it's still plainly obvious they are all hideous, and judging by they fact they travel here MUCH more often than anyone from the US... See where I'm goin here? By comparison, everyone here IS gorgeous. Oh, and the brits are COMPLETELY OBSESSED by huge tits. I swear. They will forgive any face for a set of EEE's. Even Rupert Murdoch newspapers over there have entire sections dedicated to large juggz. Which, even though the paper IS kinda tabloidy, really has to say a lot. "Condi Rice to Visit Kenya, Page 1" "SEE DAPHNE'S HUGE TITS, PAGE 2". WTF guv'nah?

Another small thing of note pertaining somewhat to the red coats: Swedish TV kinda sucks. This has something to do with the fact that everyplace I've watched TV here has had fairly basic cable. But still, except for most of the British shows, shit sucks. Plus, it's weird how they import the worst shows from the US (except Married With Children, which is beautifully called "Our Worst Years" in Swedish, with "Our Best Years" being Days of Our Lives, or some shitty soap, which has confused me at least once), yet all the British shows seem much better. If they are also bottom of the barrel, then what are we missing outside the UK? I shudder to think. Oh I guess last night at like 1:00am The Wire was on, but like one day a week and late at night? Weak.

Welp, going to H&M to try and pick up more clothes for work since I have basically nothing even remotely presentable. The dress code (as with everything else at work) is super-relaxed. One dude showed up in a plain ass t-shirt last Friday. Everyone wears jeans. Still, my clothes suck so I'm snatching up some cheap replacements at H&M, which is the shit for that kind of thing. Oh, in Stockholm they have an H&M on every block I swear. It's absolutely ridiculous. I think maybe they are all linked underground and it's just one big malignant tumor swallowing up the city. Anyway, after that we take the train back to STHLM for the week. Hopefully nobody commits suicide by train tonight, like last Sunday. Shit delayed us for like two hours, and trains are really boring when they ain't movin. Really, can't you just use some rope or a gun? So much less dramatic too.

I kid, I kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

believe me its a lot better to sit on a none moving train when you are getting paid for it. esp when you watch dvds/read/sleep.

i'm glad sweden lives up to some of its female stereotypes. i hate being disapointed by any stereotype not being true.