24 June 2008


Midsommer was tight, got waaaaaaaaay too drunk, but everyone else (cool) was so it was aight. Main thing I remember is Fredrik throwing a big bottle of mustard on the ground for no reason and stomping it till it exploded. Apparently I was screaming "strawberry" in Swedish to anyone who would listen. Yeah, that kind of night.

Sweden fact #8 or so: Concepts of personal space in public seem to be inverted from the US. I got off a train and stopped and put the suitcase I was carrying down... Right onto some bitches foot, who then appeared to get angry. I didn't make a sudden movement at all. She was BEHIND me and must have known I couldn't see her, yet she refused to change trajectory when I stopped thus getting a suitcase to the foot as she tried to sidle by me with some kind of strange crab-like movement rather than just walk in a new direction. Happens to me all the time. People REFUSE to give anyone else any gangway. It pisses me off so bad. Frida said when she first got to the US it really confused her because if anyone in a grocery store aisle or wherever got near her they would keep 2 yards away while apologizing profusely. WELL THAT'S THE WAY I LIKE IT SWEDES! GIMME SOME DAMN ROOM OR YER GONNA GET YOUR TOES STEPPED ON BEEITCHES!!! Seriously it does annoy me since I can't seem to get the rythm of moving around people down right.

Some pics:

My workstation. There's more papers there nowadays. You can kinda see the covered courtyard where we take coffee breaks. There's a foosball table there too that is quite popular.

I took this one when I was pretty drunk at Anna and Gustav's. The person in the top window was playing what appeared to be the new MarioKart on a giant tv. Really pointless pic, sorry. It did make me think of Andy though when I saw it.

My new favorite beer. It's called Sju Komma Tvåan or seven comma two. GUESS WHY?! The reason it is my new favorite however is because of the two martens playing pattycake while one wears a jester hat. Fucking awesome mate!

Yeah it's kinda pretty here... Sometimes.

Tomorrow we go to an island called Utö an hour south of Stockholm proper for some kind of work meeting of something. I'm not real sure, all I know is there will be boating, beer, soccer, dinner at some famous restaurant, and then I think we stay in cabins overnight. When it was mentioned it was all in Swedish and not a lot has been said about it since then. Also since I don't have FUCKING EMAIL AT WORK YET so all of the informative messages sent never reached me. Anyway, if you don't hear from me in a week or so it was probably all an elaborate farce to lure me to pagan ritual grounds so they could "sacrifice the American to Thor". Or somesuch.

I should have packed for this but I've been busy setting up my laptop. I downloaded the season 11 opener of Top Gear that aired on Sunday and I'm really pumped to watch it. I might take my laptop to Utö just for that. Maybe. They race a Prius against the new M3 I think, and test a F430 Scuderia. I'm sure Jezza jizzes. Which reminds me I saw a 612 Scaglietti tonight, as well as an unidentified blue car with a porsche behind it. You have no idea how pissed I get when I see a car and can't figure out what it is. I though it was an F430 because of the rear glass, but the tailights and ass looked like a Corvette. It was too far off and driving away to tell for sure what it was. FUCK I'm pissed I'll never know.

Hope ya'lls doin' well. Drop me a line sometime huh?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the awesome pictures. I feel like now I know a little bit more about your life in Sweden. Wow, what if I really talked like that. Anyway, some better pictures would be nice, you know like where you can see stuff in them. We miss you here. Hope that the pagan rituals don't involve too much castration.

Anonymous said...

that can is awesome and i'm sure i beat that swede into the ground in mario kart