20 June 2008


We are back in Gävle after picking up our German friend Franzi and her boyfriend Derek from the airport last night after work. Some small airport an hour and a half south of Stockholm. This allowed me to see where Frida works in Södertalje and let me tell you, it's a pretty ugly place. Factorytastic. The trip down to the airport was really nice though. Hillier than around Gävle, and quite pretty. Anyway, Franzi and Derek are here to party with us over the weekend. Mucho drinko tonighto.

Oh, I bought a laptop with the help of an electronics store gift card that Frida's parents gave me for graduation. It was the next to cheapest model which in my book is always far better than the cheapest model. Point is I can update this shithole and keep in contact with people much more easily now. Just let me know if you want my MSNmessenger of AIM contact info. I guess that's how it's done, I don't know, I haven't used that technology in a couple years.

This week I tried two new Swedish foods: raggmunk med fläsk and pytt. Raggmunk means "pick up monk" and they are potato pancakes that I had to almost choke down because they were so greasy. I won't say they were disgusting cause they didn't really have much taste, unless you count "grease" as a taste, but I probably won't get it again. The fläsk is of course the big chunks of bacon. It was allright, didn't taste exactly like bacon, but kinda close. The pytt is diced potatoes with onions and sausage and junk in it. Imagine going to IHOP and ordering like "loaded hashbrowns" or whatever they call it. It's exactly like that, and it was pretty good. Sven saw me get it and his comment was "Ah! now you have a chance to finish what you left on your plate yesterday!" Apparently they save up the scraps all week and throw them in, a traditional leftover dish. It was probably my imagination but it did taste the slightest bit rank. Still liked it though. They also recommended that I try the Thai restaurant nearby work, I think they were maybe slightly embarrassed about the food at the car dealership restaurant.

Can't think of much more to write right now, anyway need to go help setting up for the party tonight, there will be about 10 or 14 or something people here. Parties are really pretty fun, especially when everyone is drinking hard... After Swedes get a few drinks in them they really like speaking english and asking interesting questions about America like "is high school really like in the movies? Is there jocks and nerds and stuff?" Seriously it is really entertaining trying to describe your high school experience to a drunk Swede. That's just one example. Usually I really hate small talking inane details about myself but they come up with some great conversation topics here at parties.

Gotta go!

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