27 July 2008


At apartment, on couch, watching The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. It's hot. Since nothing here has air-conditioning and it's been in the mid 80s I think (not real sure) it's a tad unpleasant. Example: We went to eat lunch at Kista Galleria (a mall) on Friday and I rode in Anders' 1974 Mustang II. That thing was a piece. He says his wife wouldn't let him buy a new Mustang when he turned 40, and maybe when he turns 50 he'll be depressed enough that she'll let him. I thought that was pretty funny. Anyway the point is in the parking garage it was warm, and according to him parking garages are never warm in Sweden, so it's been very hot for here. I hung out with Fredrick last night and tried to explain the heat in Kansas to him. I don't think he understood how miserable it can be there in the summer. We had a good time out tho, went to the really trendy bar in Gävle where we saw the Gävle soccer team, or he did, I didn't recognize any of them. Also got in free to the Heartbreak Hotel, another bar, cause some guy he knew gave us VIP passes. It was an ok place, even though it was huge. They had a live band playing some Swedish songs that everyone knew, including some song called "I fuck better when I'm drunk". I thought that was great.
Went to Piteå last weekend. It was nice. I really like Frida's uncle's place there. It's kind of out in the country, a farming area, it's dead silent, and when you go out walking in the woods you have to yell a lot so you don't run into bears, which are at record numbers right now. We also made the fairly short trip over to Finland, this town called Kemi or something. It was depressing as shit. The dark, warm, humid and rainy weather didn't help that much. The town was bombed to dust during WWII and so everything had a really ugly Soviet concrete grey look to it. The reason we went tho was to see this dead priest's corpse. Seriously. It's in this tiny church in Kemi. Apparently the guy said like "if my words aren't true then i will rot in the ground, but if they are true than my body shall not decay" or something. Oh, this is like 400 years ago or so. I guess they dug him up a couple hundred years later and were shocked to see his body was still there, just all black and mummyish. So now they have his mummified body in this glass casket in the floor. It's pretty fucking macabre. It was awesome. They say they've done tests and can't find any sign of preservatives er whatever you call that stuff that you mummify folks with. But whatev, I didn't think it was all that strange he never rotted. I mean, he looked like a 400 year old dead guy, whaddya want?

Lately I been watching the Sopranos mostly. Good show, I likes it. Can't wait to see The Dark Knight, probly gonna do it on Thursday. It's like $3o for two movie tickets here. Ah well, it's worth it. Also really looking forward to buying and playing Rock Band 2. And while we're on the subject of stuff I can't wait for, really looking forward to buying a nice car to mess around with. Not for several years tho : ( I daydreams a lot.

Trying to learn the language is going kinda shitty. It's hard without lessons, and I have to concentrate so freaking hard just to have an idea of what people are talking about. Still frustrating. So I guess when school starts back up in a couple months I'll take lessons then (at Upsalla).

Ah well, later ya'll.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like they need a bear patrol

why even bother learning the language? english is all anyone needs in the world. lol tell frida i said that.