15 July 2008

Well, so it's been 13 days since last post, oops. Not that I had all kinds of awesome stuff going on or anything. Just that I'm already in a routine, go to work, many times go downtown and screw around for a while, come back, cook dinner, download some music or movies or TV shows or something, watch stuff, read about cars and junk online, go to bed, repeat. It would be rather boring to read about so blogging now will be relegated to when something exciting or worthy or writing about happens.
Work is good, everyone is on vacation pretty much, many companies in Sweden completely shut down around this time, but alas, spreaders operate 24/7 around the globe so we have to keep regular business hours with a skeleton crew. Christopher actually flew to Isreal this afternoon to meet with some blokes who want to buy some of our stuff and had some odd requests, like I think they wanted us to fatigue test a spreader through like 500,000 cycles or something ridiculous, and then to which we said something like "well we have sold many of this type of spreader and they have been going for years and years with no problems, we are past the testing phase" but apparently that was not the answer they wanted. Anyway I'm hoping soon enough I'll be able to go on trips like this, although as I think I've mentioned the guys at work mostly see it as a hassle, especially when it's to meet people who have weird requests and questions. But I love to travel so we'll see...
Had an almost proper thunderstorm yesterday, I think I heard thunder at least 3 times. The rain here is so pussy it could make baby Jesus cry. When it rains I want to be legitimately concerned for my LIFE, not just get my shirt dampened with little polka dots. And another thing about the rain. About 80% of the time, they weather is perfectly clear in the morning but about 3:30 in the afternoon rain clouds start rolling in and the rain starts daintily falling as it is so fond of doing here. I'm guessing this is some sort of side effect from living right next to the ocean, but it's lame since it starts right about the time I leave work and clears up right after I get home. : (
Well, Midsomer Murders is on, and I've missed over half of it now, so YES I'M STILL ALIVE NOW QUIT READING BORING SHIT AND GO LIVE YOURS!

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