17 August 2008

I'm so lazy about posting on here. Since last time:
-Brett's friends from Oklahoma were here. One was a bartender. I guess he was a schmoozemaster cause he chatted up everyone that worked there and somehow we ended up getting about $200 worth of alcohol for free at this nice restaurant downtown. Apparently that never happens, but it did this time. It was quite the Tuesday night.
-That weekend was cityfest in Gävle. Good times, good times. They have this food called langos which is kinda like a unbaked pizza on a piece of fried bread. No red sauce but like sour cream and cheese and onions or other stuff depending which on you get. They are freaking awesome and I think they only have them that one weekend for cityfest. The previous weekend we had a kräft (crawfish) party and I got drunker than everyone else and then threw a fit when we were supposed to leave cause I wanted to party more. Everyone laughed at me. Then cityfest weekend I'm like the least drunk and everyone else wants to stay out and party and all I can think about is going home to sleep. Really gotta synch up with everyone else. Oh, but at the kräft party Gustav and Anna had just come back from Greece, and they kept pouring everyone shots of this Greek moonshine that they carried back in this like beat up plastic water bottle, like the kind bottled water comes in and then you throw out. It looked truly frightening, my first question was "Have you actually had this yet?" and my second question was "How is your vision right now?" I guess they sell the stuff at grocery stores, you have to bring your own container and then fill it out of this big jug they have er something. It was pretty good though, it didn't taste nearly as strong as I think it was. And I didn't go blind.
-This past week virtually nothing happened. Won a little money at online poker cause I've been home like everynight. And this weekend we stayed in Stockholm and just walked around on Kungsholmen yesterday, which is a pretty nice area actually, not trendy like Söder and not fancy like the fancy parts of town, but still nice. Although actually I think it is pretty trendy like Söder. But whatev. Besides seeing these giant mounds of poo in two different doorways that were obviously not from dogs, and were probably from the same person, and were truly disgusting, we found this tight store called "Grandpa" where they sold random shit. Kinda like urban outfitters a little but with less clothes. My favorite finds were this GIANT book of photos called "Swedish Fetish". It was just a bunch of people in leather, whips and chains, ball gags, tatoos, corsettes, gimp costumes, cool "Swedish" shit like that. I really wanted to buy it for our coffee table. It would be great. Although I don't think my sense of humor translates well to, you know, people. People would think I was a total perv. And they'd be right. The other find was this memory game, you know the one where the cards are face down and you turn them over two at a time, but this one had pictures of boobs. Like one boob on each card, not a complete pair. Again, hilarious. Again, sense of humor probably doesn't translate. Again, perv.

"I don't know how you guys do things in Europe..."
"New Zealand."
"Ch'yeah, probly!"

I have a new list of movies I want to see:

I hate Adrien Grenier.

The weather here has been mostly rainy and cloudy the past few weeks with a few exceptions. The temperature is like averaging 65 F, need to take jackets or you get cold out in the wind.

On TV earlier they had this really weird show called "sport opera" I guess, that's what's painted behind the commentators anyway. First they had a guy in face paint singing. Then the commentators talked about it, then they played an instant replay of what he had just sung. Then they had these dancers come on and do this really weird air-humping motion with giant smiles on their faces for like 2 minutes straight to some classic opera, then the music stopped and they danced around for like 5 minutes with no music at all. I actually liked the second part, then I wondered why the hell I hadn't changed the channel yet.

I have like 4 canker sores that refuse to go away and everytime I eat or drink juice they burn like all the volcanoes on earth are in my mouth. Damn!

So that's the update. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Do you know if they are going to make another flight of the conchords?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the book Swedish Fetish you saw at Grandpa, I am really glad you liked it since I am the author of the book:-)
Regarding people thinking you're a perv if you buy it, just explain to them that the book is also sold at Moderna Muséet and as such is considered a piece of art ;-)
Then you can have the book on your coffee table and look intellectual ;-)
Otherwise you could always buy it and keep it as one of your precious secret posessions that only you enjoy to look at.

Thanks for the nice words about my book:-)